On Mon, 4 Dec 2006 20:42:38 -0500, David Relson wrote:

> Interesting.  At the moment emerge is updating my linux-headers from
> 2.6.17-r1 to 2.6.17-r2.  The first step is downloading
> linux-2.6.17.tar.bz2 which, at 41MB, seems more like a complete kernel
> source tree than just the headers.  Overkill, eh?

This show the disadvantage of aggressively cleaning $DISTDIR. You have
already downloaded this file once, when you installed 2.6.17-r1 (or even
earlier when you first installed a 2.6.17 kernel). Patch level updates use
the same source files, so cleaning out tarballs for installed packages
results in more downloads and more load on the mirrors.

Neil Bothwick

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