On Wednesday 29 November 2006 12:13 am, Shaw Vrana wrote:
> I just performed an emerge -Du world and found that the fonts in the few
> gtk apps that I use (gaim and wireshark) have now become quite ugly.  I
> followed the wiki at http://gentoo-wiki.com/HOWTO_Xorg_and_Fonts to
> beautify a while back and the changes I made there have remained intact
> through the update.

Are you running KDE with the gtk-qt theme engine?  If so, I had a similar 
problem with fonts no longer being anti-aliased in gaim.  I found the 
solution on this page:


Basically you need to change your General font setting in the control center.  
Once you make a change (any change) you can change it back to how you had it 
originally.  Once you restart your gtk applications the fonts should be 
aliased again.  There is no explanation for why this works, but it resolved 
the issue for me.

Hope that helps.

> Thanks,
> Shaw

- Ben
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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