Have you sync your portage today ?
The emerge -Dup world give me kdelibs 3.5.5 and they are not mask
donc use package.keywords for this, in order to preserve dependancy in
mask file
Another think usefull, donc emerge kde (the alias), they install lots of
think not necessary usefull for you
emerge kdebase kdeadmin ... all package you want, and drop all unwant
package with depclean
emerge unmerge kde, emerge --noreplace kdebase kdeadmin ..., emerge -a
depclean, ... emerge -Dup world
so ...
Le Wed, 15 Nov 2006 17:10:11 +0100, Arnau Bria <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> a
I was trying to update my gentoo, when I found next:
Calculating world dependencies |
!!! All ebuilds that could satisfy "~kde-base/kdelibs-3.5.5" have been
(dependency required by "kde-base/kdebase-3.5.5-r1" [ebuild])
At the beginning the dependency was kdeartwork-kscreensaver, as I did
not use it, I cleaned, then ksnapshot & spuerkarmaba, which I also
clenaed, but now, I cannot do smae with kdebase.
Main question is why portage tries to update to masked packages if I
have not set any unmask options:
# grep kde /etc/portage/*
How may I find the reason of that?
PD: I've installed beryl, could it be the reason?
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