Michael Sullivan wrote:
> I know my subject line is a little melodramatic, but this is really
> frustrating.  I frequently have processes that killall doesn't kill and
> kill -9 <pid> doesn't touch.  For instance, this is taken from top:
> 24135 root      16   0  229m  35m 1064 S  0.3 59.7   8:52.11 javadoc
> I have Cntrl+C on the emerge (five minutes ago) and I've issued multiple
> killall javadocs and kill -9 24135 and still it runs.  Is there a way of
> getting rid of this process short of rebooting the machine?

do a pstree, and find its parent, and kill that. if that doesn't work
kill the parents parent. Note that any parent you kill, kills the
children, too (god this sounds wrong). If it's init... reboot.
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