On Sunday 08 October 2006 21:35, Statux wrote:
> Question: Is there a way that I can get Portage to run through the
> packages/ebuilds and, instead of downloading anything from the net, just
> have it show me which files were not in /usr/portage/distfiles which
> will be needed?
> So if I had 8 packages which needed upgrading, which would result in (an
> estimated) 6,382K of downloads, is there some way for me to have it go
> through each one of those all at once, similar to --fetchonly, and have
> it spit out a list of everything which it did not find on the local
> system?
> It seems to be simple enough and a useful feature on some level but I
> haven't found the answer.

Something like:

# export DISTDIR=$(emerge --info | sed -n 's/^DISTDIR="\(.*\)"$/\1/p')
# emerge --fetchonly --pretend --quiet -u world | \
        grep -v "^$" | \
        while read SRC_URI; do \
                filename=`basename "${SRC_URI}"`; \
                [ ! -f "${DISTDIR}/${filename}" ] && \
                        echo "${SRC_URI}"; \

> Thoughts?

You might also consider creating a binhost on your network and bringing binary 
packages instead of sources to her computer...

Bo Andresen

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