On Wed, 27 Sep 2006 22:44:40 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > If you don't understand exactly what the -5 option in etc-update will
> > do, don't use it. If you do understand, you probably won't use it
> > anyway.  
> Uhm, I've got to disagree. I use -5 quite often. I have a look at
> the list of files and if I *KNOW* that I did not touch those files,
> I'm very happy "-5'ing" etc-update, so to say.
> So, yes, if you do understand, you probably will use it.

Not in the way that causes the problems, of -5ing everything. When i used
etc-update, I wuld go through the list, accepting some changes and
rejecting others, then -5 the remainder, which were often example configs.

That's not the same as -5ing everything, which is what I was referring to
and the easy way to toast /etc/fstab.

Neil Bothwick

"I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I
can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it."

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