060925 Richard Fish wrote:
> On 9/25/06, Marc Blumentritt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> on one of my machines elog saves messages in /var/log/portage instead of
>> /var/log/portage/elog ? The funny thing is, that it worked first.
> What does "grep PORT_LOGDIR /etc/make.conf*" report?

there are  2  logging procedures in the latest  make.conf.example :

  # PORT_LOGDIR is the location where portage will store all the logs it
  # creates from each individual merge. They are stored as NNNN-$PF.log
  # in the directory specified. This is disabled until you enable it by
  # providing a directory. Permissions will be modified as needed IF the
  # directory exists, otherwise logging will be disabled. NNNN is the
  # increment at the time the log is created. Logs are thus sequential.

and (both are edited to shorten lines)

  # PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES: selects msgs to be logged, possible values are:
  #                       info, warn, error, log
  #                       Warning: commenting this will disable elog
  PORTAGE_ELOG_CLASSES="warn error log"

  # PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM: selects the module(s) to process the log messages.
  #   Modules included in portage are (empty means logging is disabled):
  #    save (saves one log per package in $PORT_LOGDIR/elog,
  #          /var/log/portage/elog if $PORT_LOGDIR is unset)
  #    custom (passes all messages to $PORTAGE_ELOG_COMMAND)
  #    syslog (sends all messages to syslog)
  #    mail (send all messages to the mailserver defined
  #          in $PORTAGE_ELOG_MAILURI)
  #    To use elog you should enable at least one module
  #PORTAGE_ELOG_SYSTEM="save mail"

'logdir' used to be populated with lines like


but since those for update to Portage 2.1.1 , no more have appeared.

'elog' creates lines like


which used to be dropped in a subdir 'elog', but now appear in $PORT_LOGDIR .

Yes, I do still have the appropriate lines in my working  make.conf .

This looks like a bug in the new version of Portage.
Perhaps someone should report it: it's not a high priority for me.

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