I've successfully installed Kernel 2.6.18
-- is it imagination or is it a bit faster on this desktop ? -- ,
but there are a couple of simple questions I'm not sure how to answer.

(1) I used 'make xconfig' & it didn't show me the 'PPP' option:
when I used "find" from the "edit" menu, it showed up
& I was able to add it, but it's not under the tree-menu.
Is this a glitch in the 'xconfig' interface or did I miss something ?

(2) I compiled the sensor items into the kernel, not as modules,
but I'm now left with  2  orphan module lines when Init runs:
"loading lm_sensors modules ... [!!] ".
I've looked around, but can't easily see where those lines are defined
(it's not  /etc/modules.autoload.d/ , which is used by the kernel).
Can anyone give me a quick pointer to where to find them,
so that I can comment them out of whatever file they're mentioned in ?

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ELECTRIC   /] [] [] [] [] []|  Centre for Urban & Community Studies
TRANSIT    `-O----------O---'  University of Toronto
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