> I was wondering why Linux doesn't treat directories like files, as many
> other unix implementations do.
> For example, in Linux, you can't do 'cat .' while on FreeBSD you can.
> Why? There is a practical reason?

I'd say it's not a matter of how Linux treats directories
(putting aside the problem of diverse filesystems), but how
coreutils or "cat", to be precise, treats directories. You could just as
well implement such a feature into 'cat' which would make it behave like
it does on FreeBSD when called on a directory. As to why Linux's "cat"
acts the way it does...try asking GNU guys.:)

Btw, in my place:
$ uname -a
FreeBSD howdy123 6.1-PRERELEASE FreeBSD 6.1-PRERELEASE #0: Wed Apr  5
12:22:42 CEST 2006     [EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/obj/usr/src/sys/GORGO  i386
$ cat .
cat: .: Is a directory

...which is exactly the same behavior as on my Gentoo.

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