On Thu, 14 Sep 2006 18:31:52 -0400, Allan Gottlieb wrote:

> 2.  Assuming I want to go with mount --bind, how do I make it happen
>     during startup (I assume the mount is not preserved across
>     reboots).  The man pages for fstab doesn't suggest that fstab is
>     the way to go.  Do you put the mount in the boot runlevel and if so
>     where?

You can do it in fstab, I've been doing it for a while. Just make sure
the bind line is after the one mounting the target.

/dev/hda1                /local            somefs    blah
/local/allan/gottlieb    /home/gottlieb    auto      bind

Neil Bothwick

Confucius says "He who posts with broken addresses gets no replies......"

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