On 9/13/06, Bo Ørsted Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Yeah I know how to do all these things. I have done emerge -1 gcc (still shows up in revdep-rebuild) after emerging, I have rebuilt vlc and libvisual-plugins and xine-lib, libpgqxx does indeed fail.
Well, what have you actually done with this? I mean it tells you to recompile
all of the following:
# emerge -va1 \
=sys-devel/gcc-4.1.1 \
=dev-libs/libpqxx- 2.5.1 \
=media-libs/xine-lib-1.1.2-r2 \
=media-plugins/libvisual-plugins-0.2.0 \
Did you not try to recompile them? Or did they all fail for you? Or did you
just give up when libpqxx failed? You know nothing prevents you from
keywording libpqxx-2.5.5 (don't you know how to do that?) or running:
# emerge --skipfirst
Yeah I know how to do all these things. I have done emerge -1 gcc (still shows up in revdep-rebuild) after emerging, I have rebuilt vlc and libvisual-plugins and xine-lib, libpgqxx does indeed fail.
David Grant