cedric de crozant wrote:
i'm new to gentoo.
i have updated mysql 4.1.21 following the glsa advisory with glsa-check -f
and now I have a problem !
in the httpd error log :
/usr/local/php5/bin/php: error while loading shared libraries:
libmysqlclient.so.15: cannot open shared object file: No such file or
I think you've got some versioning issues. .14 is Mysql 4.1 and .15 is
Mysql 5.0
laxlxdb03 ~ # emerge -p mysql
[ebuild R ] dev-db/mysql-4.1.14
1axlxdb03 ~ # locate libmysqlclient_r
sfolxdb01 ~ # emerge -p mysql
[ebuild R ] dev-db/mysql-5.0.24
sfokxdb01 ~ # locate libmysqlclient
I'd straighten out the versions and then rebuild anything that uses
Mysql starting with PHP.
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