> Your domain can be any one of your domains. Your hostname should not
> match anything in your virtual file. When you set your origin use the
> hostname and not the domain. That'll make things less likely to screw

Couldn't I also omit the hostname or origin instead of it? And if not,
what would you propose as hostname? Something like "nohost" or does it
have to be a real hostname, which is mapped to my ip address or maybe my
ip address itself?

> <soapbox>
> That how-to you're following sucks unless you're dead set on giving
> accounts virtual mailman support. I can't say mine is written any
> better, but it will give you a much better system when you're done.
> Manually adding users via raw SQL will annoy you to no end after two
> weeks.
> http://gentoo-
> in

Well, because of I'm not a mailhoster and need just a mailserver for the
web sites I administer completely by my own, it wouldn't be a problem to
administer the mail stuff directly in the database, but however
PostfixAdmin seems to be nice. But I think I can also set it up later,
after I followed the official Gentoo Virtual Mailhosting System with
Postfix Guide. Btw: Your howto mentions PostfixAdmin, but also doesn't
explains how to set it up. But however I will still read it,


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