On 8/27/06, Grant <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > gxine plays 2 out of 4 of the DVDs every time.  mplayer doesn't output
> > anything when started from a terminal except the following which pops
> > up right away, before a DVD is put in:
> How do you run mplayer from a terminal with no DVD in thr drive, or are
> you running gmplayer. Try
> mplayer -dvd-device /dev/dvd dvd://1
> with a DVD in the drive

I was in fact using gmplayer.  Your command above is able to play 2
out of 4 of the DVDs just like gxine, and it fails much more
gracefully than gxine on the other 2.

I thought gmplayer was just a UI for mplayer.  Why would mplayer play
what gmplayer can't?  Is there a better UI for mplayer than gmplayer?

Never liked gmplayer, it tends to crash on my system, while mplayer
itself has no problems at all. But to your question, I would sincerely
check my DVD drive, I also had problems exactly like yours, the
problem was a dying DVD drive that could not read some discs, and even
those discs seem to be readable once in a while... Let me ask you, is
this a notebook or laptop?

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
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