On Mon, 21 Aug 2006 10:51:27 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > There's a third option that doesn't involve switching init systems,
> > set RC_PARALLEL_STARTUP="no" in /etc/conf.d/rc. I saw a significant
> > speedup when using this, and it is fully integrated into baselayout.  
> You saw a *speedup* when *disabling* parallel startup by setting 
> I thought boot would be a bit faster, when parallel startup is 
> *enabled*.

Doh! I pasted from this box, on which I haven't enabled parallel startup
(yet), but I'm using it on my other one, which is faster with it set to
"yes". I meant to change it but it's still too early in the week for me
to function properly :(

Neil Bothwick

Welcome to the world of Windows 95. Stay a while -- stay foooreveeer.

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