Am Donnerstag, 10. August 2006 08:49 schrieb ext gentuxx:

> configure: error:
> you need to install kdelibs first.
> I've gone through some toolchain changes recently, so I wasn't
> completely surprised by this message the first time I got it.  So, I
> immediately rebuilt qt, which actually rebuilt qt4 (I think qt3 is
> actually being detected by the kdebase ebuild, but we'll get to
> that).  I also rebuilt kdelibs (at the same time as qt - qt was
> rebuilt first), then tried the kdebase rebuild again.  I get the same
> error.  So, I said to myself, "ok, it's picking up qt3 (not qt4, which
> I just rebuilt) so I need to rebuild that".  So I did.  I did a
> `emerge -av =x11-libs/qt-3.3.6-r1', which completed successfully, but
> when attempting a rebuild of kdebase I get the same, above, error.

If it says "install kdelibs first" (means re-build), why didn't you do so?


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