On 7/31/06, James <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Daniel da Veiga <danieldaveiga <at> gmail.com> writes:
> > > Releases are not very important for Gentoo, if you have a live
> > > internet connection (which is not REQUIRED, but will make your system
> > > a lot more useful with Gentoo) after the whole process you'll get the
> > > latest Gentoo anyway.
> > I think the idea is to skip the five hour gcc/glibc update by starting
> > from newer binaries in a hypothetical 2006.1 stage3.
> But you gotta wait months for new releases, while (like you said) it
> only take a few hours to update (if you WANNA update, because I still
> use gcc 3.4.6). And it can be done in the background, while you use
> the system anyway.
I must have hit the sweet spot. I installed (amd64) from the latest
stage3 I could find a few weeks ago and never paid much attention to
the gcc/glibc version. I'm on 3.4.6-r1, and I've never noticed any
compile problems, but then I've not tried emerging empty world. My
machine is too sodding fast to need that.
Collins Richey
If you fill your heart with regrets of yesterday and the worries
of tomorrow, you have no today to be thankful for.
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