> Does anyone use a spam-filtering solution they think is accurate
> enough to use with a business email address? I'm getting tons of spam
> and I'd really like to try and filter it out, but I need to make sure
> I don't miss any legitimate email. I'm using postfix and
> courier-imap.
> - Grant
Greylisting because it doesn't filter anything it merely delays email
with a temp 450 error. Real emails retry after an interval and spam does
not so it eliminates about 90-95%. Couple with reasonable Postfix checks
like making sure the sender domain exists, etc and a mail client with
internal filtering. With the above in place I see maybe 1-2 actual spams
in my inbox a week and averaging about eight a day in my spam folder.
Postgrey is in portage and it'll take you about almost two full minutes
to get setup and working. I suggest making the the greylist time 30
seconds and the whitelist time 32 days.
That sounds really nice. Would you say sending back a 450 error is
100% reliable? Which config option makes postfix check to see if the
sender domain exists. I can't find it in /etc/postfix/main.cf.
- Grant
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list