Fernando Meira wrote:

I been trying to connect my laptop to a wireless router but without success.
The router is a common Linksys WRT54G. My pcmcia card is also a Linksys WPC54G. I am now using a new driver (bcm43xx), instead of ndiswrapper, but I think the problem is not from that. I did use my card with this new driver successfully before.
The problem arises at the authentication stage.
Somehow, I can't associate or authenticate with the damn router.
Although stupid, I've tried with encryption enable/disable, DHCP server enable/disable and many other things that I can change in the router setup.
Nothing seems to work. I could almost say I've tried everything.
With a ether cable, works fine!
And there is other laptop (running windows) connected via wireless to the router without any problem.

This patch might help:


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