On 6/21/06, Enrico Weigelt <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
well, I've already been using it for over 10 years, I never had
serious problems with it, and has all I need.
So why should I now switch to xinetd ?

The answer to this 'why' can be found here:

Wouldn't it make more sense to let "inetd" be an virtual package
which can be configured by some useflag to get either classic inetd
or xinet in, maybe xinet as default ?

inetd is way too old. I tried googling for it, and I couldn't even
find source downloads for it.
It's like wanting to use in.telnetd and telnet instead of ssh because
the former has always served well.
However, if you can find the sources to it, you can always compile and
use it, can't you?

Bruno Lustosa <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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