> This morning I noticed that gam_server was eating 80 90% of cpu...
> I'm trying to find who installed gamin in my system, the dependency,
> but I found nothing... ('equery depends gamin' shows nothing, with -a,
> equery breaks)

Got inotify enabled in your kernel? See http://www.gentoo.org/news/en/gwn/20060320-newsletter.xml#doc_chap5 for more info.
If not, enable it and try gamin + fam useflag again, it can be handy.

> Equery should detect that gamin provides a virtual, and then check
> for the dependents of that.  Are you any good at Python?  :)

You don't need. Just check if this problem is known in bugs.gentoo.org, and if not, add it :)
Seems there is a bug... but kinda dead - http://bugs.gentoo.org/show_bug.cgi?id=101420


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