On Saturday 10 June 2006 23:15, gentuxx wrote:
> Jason A. Booth wrote:
> > Apologies if this is silly, but google didn't do it for me.
> >
> > I've recently updated a lot of things, and am doing emerge -u world
> > right now.. but from my user account, I lost the ability to get
> > back to a tty. seems really odd and there aren't any kde key
> > bindings in my way (that I know of). Anyone seen this?
> >
> > ----------------------------------------------------------------
> > Jason A. Booth PGP public key(85D1F7FC):
> > http://hyperintelligent.net/~jbooth/jbooth_key.asc
> > ------------------------------------------------------------------
> First of all, you should start a new thread when you have a new
> question. 
 ctrl-alt-f(123456) dono worky so good -- doesn't qualify?

> I'm probably being a hypocrite, just because I don't know 
I'll tell ya then: yep

> how to break/change the thread-ID in Thunderbird without creating an
> entirely new mail.  But, it's not proper "net-iquette" to reply to
> someone else's message with a /completely/ new topic without creating
> a new thread.
well i don't see=(view) it that way, i see a totally new thread.. maybe i do 
need schooling in kmail

> That being said, if you're saying what I think you're saying, I
> haven't been able to switch terminals as you suggest once X and a
> window manager (like KDE or Gnome) is up and running.  Don't know if
> it's because of X, or KDE, or GDM, or whatever.  But, you're not
> alone.  ;-)  
well then it's not only unacceptable to me then
> It's not a problem for me, I usually have about 5-10 
> different terminal sessions going at any given time, they just happen
> to be managed by KDE.  
/me gives you props

> I manually start gdm when I want to go into a 
> GUI session, and everything works fine as far as CTRL+ALT+F[123456789]
> before I start the X session.
> --
> gentux
> echo "hfouvyyAhnbjm/dpn" | perl -pe 's/(.)/chr(ord($1)-1)/ge'
you didn't answer my question, but:
 <that> is still hella cute ;-)
> gentux's gpg fingerprint ==> 5495 0388 67FF 0B89 1239  D840 4CF0 39E2
> 18D3 4A9E

Jason A. Booth 
(303) 642-0499 
PGP public key(85D1F7FC):

Attachment: pgpDRGU9Zfo9m.pgp
Description: PGP signature

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