On 6/2/06, Iain Buchanan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi all,
I use gentoo on small industrial-pc's, and strip out a lot of stuff that
just takes up space, such as /usr/portage.
Just take out space?! Ok, I know you must strip down stuff, but
portage is the heart of Gentoo, without it, you strip your
administrative tools also.
I made a binary package with quickpkg, to install (with emerge --usepkg)
on one of these PC's, but it complains about lots of stuff missing.
You have no portage tree, you can't install using emerge...
So, if I want to do without /usr/portage, can I just install binary
packages by untarring them to / ? Or is there other essential stuff
that emerge does when you install a binary package?
You can, but its not certain to work, because there is more stuff
involved in installing an app than just putting files at the right
places. Note I'm not saying it won't work, it MAY work, but you can't
guarantee. Many packages have post-install scripts, and some need
checking to see if the environment is sane before install.
I would appreciate comments on how to make this work - maybe by just
leaving an essential subset of /usr/portage. Note, that I know I won't
be able to emerge anything from source without most of the /usr/portage
stuff, but I'm happy with that, as all these PC's are close images of
each other, and we have one master copy with a larger HD.
If I were you (that's MHO) I would leave portage there, its not THAT
big anyway... But if there's no way to leave it and you're looking for
alternative ways to do it, you'll have to put portage somewhere (disc,
network, usb stick, second hard drive) to use emerge.
Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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