Lord Sauron wrote:
> On 5/31/06, Rumen Yotov <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I keep binaries for all major/critical packages of my system - gcc,glibc
>> But their usage depends on processor family, USE flags for gcc etc.
>> Will put a binary tarball of "gcc-3.4.6-r1" (gcc-3.4.6-r1.tbz2)-25MB.
>> CFLAGS="-O2 -march=athlon-xp -pipe -fomit-frame-pointer"
>> sys-devel/gcc-3.4.6-r1  USE="boundschecking fortran gcj gtk nls objc
>> -bootstrap -build -doc -hardened -ip28 -multislot -nocxx -nopie -nossp
>> -vanilla"
>> Place: ftp.qrypto.org
>> PS: to install put it in / (root dir), tar xjvf gcc-3.4.6-r1.tbz2
>> (ignore last massages). Then if lucky remerge any GCC you want.
>> HTH.Rumen
> So I'm just going to untar it to / by tar xjvf gcc-3.4.5-r1.tbz2?
Yeah, FYI untar it in some test directory and check the contents.
> That's significantly less painful than I was expecting this to be.
> I'm working on that now.  I'm downloading it, and then I'll be putting
> it to a USB drive to then migrate to the afflicted machine (I'm not
> pro enough to know how to download something without the crux of a GUI
> - sorry, it's the horrible truth.)
wget ftp://ftp.qrypto.org/gcc-3.4.6-r1.tbz2. It's a 3.4.6 version.
Use "quickpkg package" to generate a binary tarball of it.
> Thanks a million for the help.  I was really making some great
> progress as far as learning more and more about Gentoo and linux in
> general, and it'd be a shame to waste time on reinstalling because I
> was a dork and did something stupid like killing gcc.  I should be
> able to say whether your steps worked within an hour or so.  Thanks
> again.
PS:check again your processor architecture (athlon-xp - here), the USE
flags are not so important but some might be. I should have used
-mcpu=athlon-xp which will work with i686 too, but it's too late now.

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