On Mon, 22 May 2006 12:28:22 +0200, Alexander Skwar wrote:

> > AFAIK there's no database of Gentoo packages such as you ask for.
> > Such a database would be inaccurate, because package contents are USE
> > flag dependent, so anyone charitable enough to set one up would
> > probably spend most of their time fielding questions about incorrect
> > data :(
> Nah, not necessarily. For every listed file, it would be required
> to show to which package(s) it belongs and also, how those packages
> were built (ie. with which USE flags). So, not only the listing
> of all the CONTENT files would be of interest, but also the keyword
> (ie. x86, amd64, ...) and the associated USE flags.

How many permutations would there be. Packages lke mplayer and php use
dozens of USE flags, compiling with every combination would a day
and forever (which is longer than forever and a day).

> BTW: How can I find out, with which *relevant* USE flags a package
> has been built? Eg. gnome-base/gnome.
> In /var/db/pkg/gnome-base/gnome-2.14.1, I find a "USE" file. But it
> contains *WAY* too many flags:

genlop -i pkgname

Neil Bothwick

EMail - garbage at the speed of light.

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