On 11:24 Mon 15 May     , de Almeida, Valmor F. wrote:
> Hello list,
> I am posting the message again because I sent it over the weekend and
> some of you may not have seen it.
> After using a livecd to make a successful gentoo install, I tried to
> boot from the livecd again but in every attempt the bios keep booting
> grub from the hard drive. If I remove the hard drive from the list of
> boot devices in the bios and force it to boot from the CD rom I get the
> message: OS not found; I am sure the livecd is in the CD rom but
> apparently it is not recognized. What would be the reason for this
> behavior?

Actually, I find it really weird. Are you sure that's the same CD you
used before? I'd suggest you to try with another LiveCD. If it doesn't
work, and you're sure it worked before, the problem is pretty likely the
optical drive. That is my humble, correctible opinion.

> Any inputs on this problem appreciated.
> Thanks,
> --
> Valmor
> -- 
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Pablo Antonio (AKA crazy2k)

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