
I have been having trouble forwarding packets using iptables on my 
Gentoo box. I am no iptables expert.

I connect to the internet using rp-pppoe. I use firestarter for 
firewalling. Yesterday I installed VMware and chose host only 
networking between the VMs. vmnet0 was bound to and the 
rest of the subnet being

As should be obvious by now, I need to forward packets from ppp0 to 
vmnet0 and allow outbound packets as well.

I chose vmnet0 to be the adaptor connected to my LAN and enabled 
Internet Connection Sharing in Firestarter. I could ping my virtual 
hosts and do ssh and telnet, but I couldn't access the internet from 
those hosts.

I also tried the Gentoo Home Router Guide. But to no avail. I still 
couldn't have the hosts access the internet.

I have had this problem with actual physical LAN too. I haven't been 
able to allow any of the LAN hosts to connect to the internet through 
my Gentoo box.

Could someone help me?

Thank you.
Mrugesh Karnik
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