On 5/5/06, Christopher E <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hello Daniel,
> He mentioned an error that happens when he click the Gnome (or KDE,
> can't remember) icon at the desktop. Not something he typed...
Thanks for pointing that out!
> Try simply NOT USING the icon, and using an application direcly.
OK, I have tryed this with mplayer, xine, cd player
With cd player and mplayer I am unable to get the cd to play but it
does show me the metadata for the cd (audio)
With xine I can play the cd (audio)
Man, something only look at the screen could explain. Wow, now, THAT
is a problem, you can access it, but can't play it... Do you have an
digital audio cable connecting your drive to your motherboard or audio
card? Its a shot in the dark, but...
> Emerge mplayer and:
I have "emerged mplayer"
> mplayer dvd://
what is this and where do I do this?
From any console/terminal you just type it...
> for example. Try XMMS to play audio CDs. Have you tried just playing
> them with the app?
See above for this response
> Or are you still wanting them to be played
> automagically?
Rigtht now I don't care if there play auto or not but at a time I
would like this.
Well, I don't know much of gnome/had/dbus/automounter etc, but right
now I would be happy if you were able to use those apps to lauch audio
and DVDs.
I guess your problem is configuration of the WM and maybe some
dependency or whatever linked to the way the WM deals with the icons
on the desktop.
I am using Gnome that portage has of latest one I think, and x11 how
do I do this and so on I am a very new users that had done this setup
now over 5 times as I run in to one issue or entother?
Well, no one ever said it would be easy ;) Ok, maybe someone did, but
its a lie, each machine/configuration may have its own bugs/issues.
Welcome to the place you know something is wrong and you can fix it
somehow (in that "how" I don't include formatting/reinstalling or
buying ugly and expensive software).
Ok, let me gather some more info. When you play it with xine you see
no errors right? When trying to play it with xmms or mplayer, what you
get? Does the timer goes as it is playing and no sound, does it
freezes, it simply do nothing?
> You DO NOT MOUNT audio CDs, that would probably return an error and/or
> block the device for direct reading (in the case of a DVD).
I tryed this as a test to see if that was the issue and it did not
help so I rebooted after it
You don't have to, just umount it and/or exit the app that you used to do it.
Not rebooting after every software install was one of the reasons I
left the world of windows.
Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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