
On Fri, 5 May 2006 18:49:29 +0530 Farhan Ahmed

> > The difference is: with -j2 box is slow. A lot of packages do not
> > compile because of ooms.
> > 
> > with -j1 box is normal. No ooms. Compiling does not take longer as
> > with -j2.
> This is the first time I'm hearing this.. Even with -j2 my system
> functions normally.. Has anyone encountered same problem?

Not really. GCC does eat some memory, but it's not that worse. Well,
this does absolutely depend on RAM+Swap. Whenever I had oom conditions
in the past 4 years, that was because of a leaky, long-running
application. I've yet to see a gcc process that claims 100MB of
physical memory. I did see Apache eat such an amount of mem after
running some days and calling leaky skripts (integrated as a module, of

Another way to get OOMs here would probably to limit maximum memory
usage too much.

The only thing that breaks -j<N> for make are Makefiles that base on
broken assumptions. Those Makefiles are buggy and to be reported.

Running -j<N> for N>1 on a UP machine won't likely bring too much
speed. It may have some small positive effects due to better
distribution of IO load and process creation. That's the real culprit
when compiling: Lots of context switches for each make process. So what
probably gives a little more speed is setting the scheduler HZ value to
>100 (but this isn't the default any more). "vmstat" is a good tool to
>monitor the amount of context switches.

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