On 5/4/06, Allan Spagnol Comar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Hi list,
I am instaling a new gentoo box with x86, and I have a doubt about
instaling xorg, I know that 7.0 is masked but almost getting stable,
and I know that migrating from one another is a little traumatic, so
here is my question, I got a ATI radeon x300 video board on a fast AMD
processor with 1GB of RAM, should I install 7.0 from begin or should I
put 6.8 first and wait to 7.0 go stable ?
This is the same as asking: "Will I have problems with the testing
tree?" And there's no real answers. I know at least a dozen people
running ~arch with no problems AT ALL (I stick with the stable), but
in the other hand we see everyday people complaining about problems
with the testing tree and if you go to bugzilla you'll find out that
testing is really for testing in some cases (but not all of them).
If its still testing, its because there are issues OR it hasn't been
tested long enough to declare it stable. So, its up to you decide
wether you want it or not. I got Xorg 7 when it was still hard masked
FOR A GOOD REASON (my chipset was better supported). But at work I use
an nvidia card, and I'm still at the 6.8 series. Do you have good
reasons? If not, wait for it to get stable, this MAY save you some
trouble. The real question here is: "If it ain't broke, why fix it?"
Specially cause the "fix" may "break" it... ;)
Anyway, It's just MHO.
thanks, Allan
An application asked:
"Requeires Windows 9x, NT4 or better",
so I´ve installed Linux
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Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
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