On Thu, 04 May 2006 16:58:13 -0400, Leigh Stewart wrote:

> I recently decided to resize my reiserfs root partition, used
> resize_reiserfs to shrink the filesystem, then used cfdisk to resize the
> device.  Everything went according to plan, although it was a somewhat
> unnerving experience because in order to resize using cfdisk u have to
> delete then recreate the partition, which wasn't clearly documented
> anywhere... Anyway, now Ive got a problem because my disk at the moment
> has 3 primary partitions, 1 boot part., 1 swap part, and one root part.
> for gentoo.
> the problem is i cant create a new primary partition which i need to do
> if i want to install windows beside gentoo, which i also need to do.
You can have 4 primary partitions. That is not a problem. Unless the last
partition begins after the 1024 cylinder boundary. In which case M$ will
not be happy.

> does anyone know if it would be possible to replace my boot and swap
> partitions with identically sized logical partitions inside a single
> primary partition? has anyone attempted this? it occurs to me that that
> would be the simplest solution...
Setting up an extended partition scheme would work fine. However, using
cfdisk, you cannot make the conversion without losing data. Because of
reiser, even a program like Partition Magic (the best for this sort of
manipulation) can't work.

Given your current setup, here's what I would do. Move swap to the last
partition, Linux to 3, M$ to 2, and leave boot. If you use grub, you can
program it to boot M$ easily.

> anyone have any other ideas?
> Yes. Backup. Then Backup. Then Backup again! 

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