Mick wrote:

>First defragment her OS partition a couple of times (and reboot in between for 
>good measure ;-).  Then you can use a Knoppix or other Linux LiveCD on her 
>machine, run partimage and save an image of her OS partition on one of your 
>boxen over the LAN.  If you don't want to take up too much of your valuable 
>disk space you can of course compress the image.  If you rather save it on 
>CD's/DVD's partimage can split the image down to smaller file sizes.
>You can of course also save it on a new partition on her box.
>Another tool which you can use from within Windoze is Bart's PE and DriveImage 
>XML (a plugin you can build into Bart's PE LiveCD).
>They're both free and should do the job you want.  Personally,  I use Knoppix 
>and partimage, but there are other linux tools (down to the relatively basic 
>dd command) which should do the trick on a VFAT partition.

Crap, I forgot and used NTFS on the thing.  < sighs >  I wonder if the
newer kernel will write safely yet????

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