Some suggestions which you probably know, or follow, but just in case:

On Monday 01 May 2006 21:05, maxim wexler wrote:

> Ok, here's where it gets weird, at least to me:
> The symlink points to the new sources. When I cd
> /usr/src/linux that's where I end up. 

I assume that you first check:

# ls -la /usr/src

where the symlink points to, because after you cd into it you can't readily 
see what directory you've descended into.

> I run make 
> menuconfig, then make && make modules_install. Then I
> copy bzImage to /boot/vmlinuz as always; take a quick
> look around; check that the new /lib/modules dir(there
> are now two, natch) is full of modular goodness,  and
> reboot.

I don't use make install, because my set up (on the laptop is rather 
complicated) and so I always manually copy the kernel image.  I use cp -i -v 
to get some feedback on what's happening and make sure that I overwrite only 
the files I choose to.  Also, my modules have to be manually entered 
in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6, at least these modules which I always 
want installed automatically at boot.

I first modprobe -v <module_name> one at a time to make sure that they do load 
without errors.  Then enter their name in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 
and finally run modules-update.

> At the grub prompt I run >root, >kernel /vmlinuz #the
> *new* kernel and >boot as I always do.

Don't you have a menu.lst or grub.conf to set up your grub menu so that you 
don't have to make manual entries at boot time?

> CERTAIN modules load. CERTAIN modules don't,
> predominantly having to do with communications
> hardware.

Anything in /etc/modules.autoload.d/kernel-2.6 should load automatically or 
print an error.  Latest changes in udev slightly complicate matters - see 
other concurrent thread on this topic.

> The thing makes it to the prompt. I log in. Run uname.
> Yikes! It *is* _running_ the old kernel.
> BUT, it's _booting_ from the new! I checked!

There's a bit of a contradiction in terms here!  I suggest that you are 
inadvertently booting the old kernel image and that's what's shown.

If you check the /usr/src/linux symlink after reboot where does it lead you?



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