On 01/05/06, Timothy A. Holmes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I would be interested in making this happen under fluxbox as well ---
Particularly automounting usb key drives, as well as the flash cards
from my digital camera

Well you could used fbdesk if you want icons on your desktop, or if
you prefer a minimalistic look like I do, add the appropriate entries
in your /etc/fstab and your fluxbox menu.  For example for USB CF or
camera connection I have the following:

# Flash Card or Camera

/dev/sda                /mnt/sda        auto,vfat,msdos
noauto,user,noatime     0 0
/dev/sda1               /mnt/sda1       auto,vfat,msdos
noauto,user,noatime     0 0
NOTE:  Some CF cards have no partitions because they are formatted as
a large MSDOS floppy disk, hence the first entry.  My camera is
mounted using the second entry.

   [submenu] (CF and camera)
     [exec] (mount CF) {mount /mnt/sda1 && konqueror /mnt/sda1}
     [exec] (unmount CF) {sync && umount /mnt/sda1}
     [exec] (mount Gizmo) {mount /mnt/sda && konqueror /mnt/sda}
     [exec] (unmount Gizmo) {sync && umount /mnt/sda}
Of course, you could you eject instead of umount.


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