2006/4/30, Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
wu chuanwen wrote:
> 2006/4/30, Alexander Skwar <[EMAIL PROTECTED]
> <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>>:

>     Hm, those are not firefox USE flags. What do you get, when
>     you run
>             emerge -vpt mozilla-firefox

> I get this:
> [ebuild     U ] www-client/mozilla-firefox- []
> USE="gnome ipv6 -debug -java -mozdevelop -xinerama -xprint" 37 kB

Do you really need ipv6? I doubt that this has anything to
do with the problem at hand, but if you don't need it, you
should remove it. If you don't know anything about ipv6,
it's very probable that you don't need it.

thinks for this advice.Maybe next time when i am free i will re
-emerge my firefox
To the others: Is ipv6 still one of the default flags? Has
this bug still not been fixed?

>     Have you yet tried a blank profile?
> What do you mean?

As I wrote:

Try a blank Firefox profile. To create one, run "firefox -ProfileManager".

I have tried,and i am not sure it fater now! Just some time to see it.
>     PS: Please no HTML. Makes your posts harder to read.
> Do you mean the link i  gave in the mail before?Or another thing?

I mean, that you compose your mails in gmail as HTML or
rich text. This makes them bigger without adding any
benefit to it - indeed, as you can see above, it makes
it even worse, as there are no proper "> " quote marks
before the quoted text.

Simply click on "plain text".

Oh! I know now.I use gmail(i think it is the best e-mail now which can
sort you e-mail by topic and looks very good!)and never see my mail
from the mail-list in other application.
Is this mail OK now ?
Alexander Skwar
Trespassers will be shot.  Survivors will be prosecuted.
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Thanks for your reply!


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