El  Fri, 21 Apr 2006 10:10:59 +0530
Abhay Kedia <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> escribió:

>Hello All, 
>I just saw this image showing settings related to user account in
>KControl http://www.kbfx.org/staticpages/images/screenshots/7.png 
>When I check for the same under kcontrol on my system (KDE 3.5.2), I
>am unable to find it. Can some please help me in finding the package
>needed, in order to get that settings tab?

[EMAIL PROTECTED] ~ $ eix kdeadmin
* kde-base/kdeadmin 
     Available versions:  3.3.2 3.4.1 ~3.4.2 3.4.3 ~3.5.2
     Installed:           none
     Homepage:            http://www.kde.org/
     Description:         KDE administration tools (user manager, etc.)

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