Well, I followed the wiki instructions on my Dell i8200 /
nvidia notebook, and now X7 won't start. I was getting some help on this
list, but everyone is out of ideas or it's just lost in the sea of other emails.
I don't want my server to succumb to the same fate. I figured I'd just wait it
out till I either figure out how to get X7 working, or, it works itself
From: Jeff Rollin [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]
Sent: Thursday, April 06, 2006 3:17 PM
To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] I don't want to upgrade to xorg-x11-7.0
What reason do you have for not wanting to upgrade to R7, if I may ask? For me it's because it's masked, but I see you already use the ~x86 tree for some packages. Once it's stable it should be fine, though. Yeah, it's a nitpick, but the biggest change I don't like to X was made several releases ago ( -- spreading X all over /usr instead of keeping it in /usr/X11R6). If it weren't there for hysterical raisins, though, it should of course be in /opt. Was that change made by the X.org people or just by the Gentoo people?