On Tuesday 04 April 2006 09:59, Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> On Monday 03 April 2006 22:22, Benno Schulenberg wrote:

> > Anyone else seeing this?  Just to make sure I'm not having a subtly
> > broken system.
> yepp, see the same - easy workaround: don't release the right mouse
> button.. as long as you are holding it, the menu will stay.

I'm not getting this at all :), but then just upgraded to 3.5.2. I recall 
something like this a while ago but its gone now. What version of kde are you 

If you change your theme does it make any difference?

"The modern world is essentially non-religious. This may seem a strange
 statement given the rise of a militant Catholic church and militant
 Muslim, American Protestant, and Judaic groups. But if one examines
 the acts, as opposed to the rhetoric, of these movements, one finds
 their primary purpose is to reassert dominance over women and subordinate
 groups, e.g., Muslim socialists, American blacks, Israeli Arabs."
         [Marilyn French, "Will Secularism Survive?"
          article in _Free Inquiry_ magazine]
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