On 3/27/06, Gabriel Dain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> If you really wanted to telnet to yourself (i dont see any
> circumstance in which this would be useful), you'd have to set up a
> telnet/ssh server:
> http://freessh.org/unix.html
> --
> Gabriel Dain

I emerged

Description: Standard Linux telnet client and server

which I think is sufficient for my needs (?).

I'm going by the following (except that I'm doing xinit):

 Leafnode should run now.

Try telnet on port 119:

  $ telnet localhost 119
  Hopefully you see something like that:

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] ~]$ telnet localhost 119
  Connected to localhost.localdomain.
  Escape character is '^]'.
  200 Leafnode NNTP Daemon, version 1.9.14 running at maggie.scriptkiddie.de




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