> If down the road I realize that I've left out use flag for mplayer would I 
> have to recompile mplayer?

Yes, of course.

> I could make /etc/packages/portage.use something like:
> 'media-sound/lame-3.96.1'
> along with the other flags, and then mplayer would have lame et. al. as 
> plug-in's, yes?


In portage.use, you'd write (for example):

media-video/mplayer     musepack

And then mplayer will be compiled with musepack support. If
the necessary libraries/files for musepack are not yet present,
they'll be installed automatically. "emerge -vpt mplayer" will
clearly show that.

> Or, do I have that wrong?  Automagically mplayer will see 
> 'media-sound/lame-3.96.1' and incorporate lame into mplayer?

If a package requires a different package, that different
package is automatically pulled.

>  Or, is lame 
> installed seperately?

Maybe. I don't know.

> But, I don't seem to have xmms installed, while I do have totem, so, I'm 
> not totally understanding the significance of the above list.

Hm? I don't understand that. USE flags set options. So, if a
package has support for xmms, USE=xmms will make the package
use xmms; ie. it'll be compiled with appropriate flags.

Alexander Skwar
You can never do just one thing.
                -- Hardin
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