On 3/22/06, Bo Andresen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On Tuesday 21 March 2006 17:20, Joshua Schmidlkofer wrote:
> > Yeah, so? *crickets*  Thanks, the d.g.o. was pretty clear, but I can
> > imagine that confusing people, the referenced document was next to
> > useless, did you read it?
> Well, I did have a look at it and obviously it is intended for developers
> only. What I wanted people to read before installing Gnome 2.14* is this:
> On Tuesday 21 March 2006 15:39, Bo Andresen wrote:
> >  # emerge -vp =gnome-2.14*
> [...]
> > #Don't unmask these and don't file bugs for them
> [...]
> But maybe that's just me... ;)

heh, you specifically referenced the website, so I assumed the message
on it said something to you that I missed.   Be that as it may, I
still say, "Yeah, so?"

I also remain unclear as to what your concern is.  The purpose of this
is to allow you to mass-unmask files.  The purpose.  If you are
worried about it, then you may want to read each one, etc.  That said,
I don't know of another utility to do anything similar.

However, I have amended my web todo list with your concerns.


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