On 3/20/06, Benjamin Sher <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear friends:
> I have been trying to burn the Gentoo 2006 ISO image to a Memorex 700 MB
> CD using Nero 5.5. I first tried to use other CD burning programs. They
> all gave the same error message: "No media in the drive" or "Drive is
> empty. Please insert CD". Of course, the CD is in the drive. So, when
> Nero says: " No media in the drive. Please insert CD" the drive opens up
> and I close the drive (or replace the CD with a new CD). But it
> repeatedly refuses to proceed. I also tried to uninstall and install my
> Nero 5.0 and then Nero 5.5 to no avail.
> And yet, believe it or not, I did successfully burn an ISO image of the
> Gentoo Minimal InstallCD (49 MB). It took some effort (same error
> message) but finally succeeded.
> I could install the minimal 50 meg bootable CD. I know it works. But I
> would prefer to install the 697 MB LiveCD. Here are two images with data
> on what's going on:
> http://www.websher.net/temp/nero1.jpg
> http://www.websher.net/temp/nero2.jpg
> I would very much appreciate your help. Is this a hardware or software
> problem and is it fixable? At least, can I fix it enough to burn the
> Gentoo CD?

Its surely and definetly a software problem (since you can burn CDs),
and has probably nothing to do with Nero. Make sure the CDs are blank
and if they're RW, that they are completely erased, and after checking
that DISABLE win autorun for CDs (I don't remeber exactly how to do
that since its been 3 months las time I checked win), after checking
the above, change media (some CDs just don't work), and last, drop
Nero and try XPBurnerPro, its free, simple and works very well. Also,
disable DirectCD if its installed, or any and all programs that MAY
access the drive.

I know this is not related directly with Gentoo, but c'mon, if one
can't burn the install CDs, we loose another (maybe) valuable

> Thank you again.
> Benjamin
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
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