On Thursday 09 March 2006 07:49, Boyd Stephen Smith Jr. wrote:
> Also, it's really confusing trying to figure out /why/ they are bringing in
> virtual-x11.  emerge -pvt is giving confusing results; basically saying
> that virtual-x11 is coming in because of packages which don't even have an
> optional dependency on X. :(  I tried using equery g, but that actually
> says the packages I'm trying to bring in /won't/ need virtual/x11-6.8.

AFAICT equery detects compile time dependencies (DEPEND) and run time 
depencies (RDEPEND) but not post dependencies (PDEPEND). So I think you need 
to look for PDEPEND in the ebuilds manually.

Bo Andresen
gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

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