On 3/8/06, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Daniel da Veiga schreef:
> >
> > The livecd uses the VESA drivers, that should support most if not all
> >  cards
> Yes, I'm sure that's true-- but what I'm wondering is, does the LiveCD
> use the VESA drivers *no matter what* is returned by autodectection of
> the video hardware?

Well, it would be the safest way. But now that you mentioned it, I
only tested in my machine (ATI, old one) and another server (NVidia,
FX5200), both loaded without Direct Rendering and using VESA (but that
could be result of failed autodetection). I think I'll ask at the devs

> My question here is because I have installed a lot of distros, and the
> thing is that as soon as autodetection got an ATI product ID back from
> the video hardware, I automatically got the radeon drivers. And for me,
> the radeon drivers are bad news. So I would always have to manually
> specify vesa anyway (after X broke).

Now, a simple howto on getting your screen back after a video problem
would be nice, wouldn't it? Maybe "HOWTO setup a generic video

> I would actually suspect that the same thing happens to nVidia users
> under most circumstances (they load the nv driver rather than vesa), but
> of course the nVidia open-source drivers actually work properly, so this
> is likely not a problem for them.
> So I'm originally asking if the card might be subject to this condition
> (since I have experienced signal loss errors due to misconfiguration of
> an ATI card, which misconfiguration is in some cases due to hardware
> autodetection mishandling the card when found).
> > so, what you are getting is probably a VSync problem, Xorg tries to
> > probe the monitor for supported resolutions and H/VSyncs, what
> > happened must be that it is using a Vsync not supported by your
> > monitor.
> >
> That certainly would explain things, but how broken would autodetection
> then be (or the monitor's EDID?? support) if it couldn't even
> detect/report its own Vsync range?
> Not that you might not be right, but that's really scary-- scarier than
> my theory of autodetect working properly, but mishandling what it detects.

Yeah, you're right, I was so certain that VESA was default but now
I'll check the livecd files to see how it works (when I have time for
it). Pretty scary indeed.

> Holly
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list

Daniel da Veiga
Computer Operator - RS - Brazil
Version: 3.1
GCM/IT/P/O d-? s:- a? C++$ UBLA++ P+ L++ E--- W+++$ N o+ K- w O M- V-
PS PE Y PGP- t+ 5 X+++ R+* tv b+ DI+++ D+ G+ e h+ r+ y++

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