mount -t cifs -o user=reader%XXPASSWDXX //harvey/harvey-c /mnt/
The directory /mnt/harvey-c has to be created ahead of time.
The user reader needs to have an account on that windows machine.
You'll need a windows user account username and password. If you
don't use passwords for windows shares I think you can just leave out
the %SECRET_PASS, but I'm not sure exactly.
Once the device is mounted locally you can read/write to/from it in
scripting, then umount it at the end of the script.
Thanks for the reply, I think I didn't make the problem clear enough.
I have a usb server running on my network with 2 external disks
connected to
it. I can read and write to them using smb://
DISK 2/ with
no problems.
I need to mount these drives so that I can run a backup script to
backup all
of my gentoo system. I have tried smbmount and mount -t smbfs but
even after
reading man mount and smbmount I am still unclear as to the correct
mount -t smbfs // 2 /mnt/someplace
if the share is password protected, after the smbfs, add -o
only root will be able to do this. You might want to try to avoid
spaces in your share names in the future...just makes things easier
on the unix side.
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