Uwe Thiem <uwix <at> iway.na> writes:

> With a dial-up connection, you haven't much chance other than connecting to a 
> time server when your connection is up. I do it automatically 
> in /etc/ppp/ip-up.

Hey, this is cool, do you have an example 'ip-up' config file? I 
have used ppp quite a lot to talk to industrial equipment, so any
other examples of things you can fire up once a ppp link is 
established, is of keen interest to me....

Does this work with any ppp/ppp_dialer or just a specific one?
wvdial is what I have used, but, I'm open to kppp or any
other robust ppp tools, as I usually manually fire up software
manually once the link is established. Hopefully, this and other 
config files can exist simultaneously, as I need to routinely 
connect  with ppp to different closed( non internet) networks.... 
When I use PPP, it may be the primary link or used as a backup,
remote connection.

I also, I routinely establish ppp links, over RS232 serial ports, to
a variety of embedded system, so any other ppp ideas, config files
and code snippets are of keen interest likewise. Sometimes I just talk
to the embedded web server in a device over the ppp-serial link.

My oldest portable, was debian with all of the ppp tricks on it.
It died and I did not have a backup of my ppp tricks on my debian
system, one of which was settings that worked with a variety
of modems on cisco routers. Dam cisco and their s-register 
modem setting incompatibilities.... 

any information is appreciated,


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