Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
> On Thursday 16 February 2006 17:18, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
>> > On Thursday 16 February 2006 15:45, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> >> Hemmann, Volker Armin wrote:
>> >> > On Thursday 16 February 2006 14:06, Alexander Skwar wrote:
>> >> >> Izar Ilun wrote:

>> > Why should he make /tmp noexec,
>> Security precaution.
> if you have 10+ users with access to the box. But a workstation, without even 
> sshd running, it is not needed.

"needed" - What's "needed", anyway?

> And hey, why should /tmp noexec save you from anything?

Because it does.

> If someone is  able to break into your box, he can build his tools in /home 
> or /var/tmp or somewhere else. No need for /tmp.

Wrong again. If tmp is the only place somebody can write, then
it might save you (and it DID save my ass more than once now).

>> >> > With that sizes, it is nearly impossible to fill / completly up.
>> >>
>> >> And it's impossible to have some flexibility.
>> >
>> > no, it is absolutly flexible
>> Ah. Please explain how you mount /tmp noexec and /usr
>> readonly.
> I don't because it is wasted effort.

Of course it's not.

So, how do you do that?

> If someone has the right to write to a rw /usr/ partition,

Why should he have that right?

> he has the rights 
> to remount a ro /usr as rw

That's of couse wrong again.

> and can go on.. It just makes maintance harder.

Not really.

>> Please also explain, how you seperate data areas (like
>> /var and /usr).
> I have /var and /usr?

That's not the question.

Please answer it. *YOU* are the one saying that a grossly
oversized filesystem offers more flexibility.

>> I see. Strange thing is, that about every server and workstation
>> I've seen more or less contradicts what you say.
> if you have 20+ users on each of them, and every single one is a little 
> cracker in disguisse, it may make sense, but for a single user box?

Why are you asking?

>> > yes it is. It wastes space,
>> Not really. Some. But not really.
> 15% of the space on each partition. That sums up.

Yep. And your 15% are of course less then my 15%, correct?

> If every partition takes a second, it will be very noticable.

Hardly. (Notice that I'm not saying "No".)

While what you're saying is true in theory, you're
exaggerating enourmously. And because of that, you're

>> If you're *SO* low on hard disk space, I'd advice to buy
>> more harddisks.
> more harddisks = higher chance that one of them dies.

Yep. Time to stop those bad backups. You're funny.
More of this, please! 8=)

> It is simple math.

*LOL* _You_ should not talk about maths :)

> I haven't seen any good reason for a bazillion small partitions,

That's of course not what I wrote. BTW: What's a "bazillion"?
More than you can count? More than 5? :) And *YOU* are talking
about maths?

*G* You are really making me laugh - thanks!

> that only 
> increase your work

Not really.

> and have to be monitored constantly (f* /var is full, 
> f* /tmp is full f* I have to remount /usr).

What are you talking about? "constantly"?

Well, you know, if "df" is too hard for you - sorry, pal,
tough luck. But you just cannot expect to be taken seriously.

Alexander Skwar
So what is the best way to protect yourself against the ILOVEYOU virus? Install
Linux. If that's not an option, try uninstalling Windows.
   -- Geoff Johnson
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