> -----Original Message-----
> From: Hans-Werner Hilse [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
> Sent: 13 February 2006 12:34
> To: gentoo-user@lists.gentoo.org
> Subject: Re: [gentoo-user] X without console log window?
> > What's the purpose of this window?  What is it meant to log 
> - as far as
> > I can tell it just stays empty . . .
> That depends. It usually just outputs what is piped into 
> /dev/xconsole.
> If nothing is piped in there, it won't display anything. But in most
> cases the syslog daemon is configured to output some message classes,
> if not all, to this device as well (additional to outputting 
> to the log
> file and /dev/console). So it depends on syslog configuration whether
> syslog messages show up here. Other programs w/ the corresponding
> rights on /dev/xconsole can pipe their stuff there, too, of course.

Would you mind showing a default/typical/custom (whatever) config file
so that I can compare with mine?

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