On 2/13/06, Holly Bostick <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> John Jolet schreef:
> >
> >> Ummm... isn't there supposed to be a system.map for the kernel as
> >> well?
> >>
> >> I myself don't manually copy my kernels after compiling it; I use
> >> make install to do so, and I have the following files in /boot for
> >> all my kernels:
> > I've never done anything with a system.map.  I manually copy it
> > myself to allow me to name them whatever I want.
> >
> >
> Well, that's my point, sort of... what exactly do you copy, and has that
> file been copied to Gilberto's /boot folder? From my /boot listing
> previously, you can see that even SUSE creates a system.map in the /boot
> folder, and that's a precompiled kernel (so it's not like it's copying
> manually or via make install). So I kinda suspect that it's a needed
> file across all distros, whatever it may be called.... and, looking in
> /usr/src/linux, it is a separate file from the bzImage file, which is
> the actual compiled kernel. The fact that the make install command also
> finds it necessary to copy this file from /usr/src/linux to /boot is not
> to be sneezed at either, imo.
> Holly
> --
> gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list
AFAIK system.map is not needed for lilo and not for grub. I don't have
it and all works without any errors or warnings about it.

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