On 1/31/06, Paul <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote: > On Tuesday 31 Jan 2006 12:49, Dale wrote: > I raised the original mouse problem which I thought was resolved by changing > the mouse protocal to "ExplorerPS/2". Although the mouse works OK It still > appears to be SOMETIMES double clicking. > I have noticed that on boot I get an error "module mousedev not found" and > something else but I don't appear to have a boot log!!! > Any other ideas I could try?
Hmm, seems I responded to the wrong part of a reply... Anyway, could you post the InputDevice and ServerLayout sections of your xorg.conf? The only obvious thing I saw missing in your xorg.0.log output was a line about "core events", but maybe you just skipped it... -Richard -- gentoo-user@gentoo.org mailing list